How to overcome sadness.
For some people, this time of year is not easy or happy, because the cold outside and the routines adjusted to spending more time at home create a real impact on joy, good mood, creativity and productivity.
It is already proven by science that reducing sun exposure has an impact on our health, and that it causes, for some individuals, greater effects on the production of serotonin, which is the neurotransmitter related to happiness, melatonin associated with sleep regulation, and also in the absorption of vitamin D.
There are several solutions, and they can be these, or others.
So despite the cold and shorter days, go outside and enjoy natural light more often, it’s important to be outside. And try to resume your physical activities with greater consistency, overcoming the feeling of laziness, apathy and mental invitations to stay on the sofa under the blanket!And take advantage and make the effort to participate more regularly in Yoga classes, because you will find your motivation in the practice itself! Guruji, Shri K. Pattabhi Jois, had a well-recognized phrase “Practice, practice, and all is coming.” In other words, practice and practice a little more, and the rest will happen (and everything will come). Join our community in in-person classes and Shala Online, and find the strength within you to get on your mat more often, and you will feed your mind with greater calm and detachment, preparing you to discover new solutions and overcome your challenges.
It is also important to be with your family and friends more often, and break the feeling of isolation and loneliness, inspiring yourself to talk, laugh, and awaken your joy. Another solution is to focus on a balanced and seasonal diet, which favors whole foods, rich in nutrients. What do you think about going to the market in your region, here in Cascais it is open on Wednesdays and Saturday mornings, or if you prefer, choose a grocery store you trust, purchase the items that will make a difference in what you prepare to eat. Go to your kitchen, if you live alone, put on music, a podcast, or enjoy the silence. If you live with other people, invite them to join you, and cook together. And then eat calmly, with time to savor and enjoy what will become part of you.
Another option may be to sign up for a new activity. How long have you wanted to learn French, ceramics, photography, astrology or meditation? Do you already know about the Workshop with Lea Perfetti, which takes place on the mornings of March 29th and 30th, here at Ashtanga Cascais? It will combine Ashtanga Yoga and Astrology, in a very special intensive.But above all, try learning something new, or delve into more detail about something that interests you, and exercise your brain, finding new inspiration.
An important point that can create a difference in the way you feel is to work on your spirituality, go for a walk close to Nature, here in Cascais you have the option of being by the sea, going to a garden, or in an instant being surrounded by the Sintra trees. Walk, breathe, relax, renew yourself and regain your good energy.
And what do you think about venturing into journaling, to start writing early in the morning, or at the end of the day, or another time that works for you, and reflect with greater awareness on what you feel, how you are, what you want, what lifts you up, what drains you, etc., collecting more information to be able to readjust your routines, and reinforce your enthusiasm.
We will never be 100% in all areas of our life, and it is the most complicated phases that often allow us to make qualitative leaps in our way of thinking, feeling, being and acting. We will not always be happy, joyful, motivated and determined, we are human beings, and we experience a huge range of emotions and mental states. There will be phases where we will be sadder, more confused, less inspired, unbalanced, with a lack of creativity and productivity. But if the sadness continues to persist, despite changes in your lifestyle, ask for help and make an appointment with someone specialized, because sometimes we really need that support.
Find your strength to regain joy.