It will be already on September 29th that I will be teaching the first Yoga class on the main stage of the Wanderlust! In addition to teaching tis Yoga class, I will also be at Fnac’s [...]
This practice is a way of discovering my own abilities to enhance my inner light, which is nothing more than the experience of peace and the infinite possibility of improving what separates me [...]
Here at home you find men and women of different ages, bodies and particular minds. But also with different life histories, that at the same place, and at similar times, practice Ashtanga Yoga [...]
If there is one characteristic that you acquire with a (regular) practice of Ashtanga Yoga is determination. Which is defined as the quality of one who is firm in his purposes, intentions and [...]
Here, there, sitting, standing, walking, standing in the car, in one of your favorite places, or during your children’s tantrums. It doesn’t matter what the scenario is because it [...]
For me one of the great meanings of the word connection is the ability to join a part of ourselves that makes us feel more alive and happy. That connection that fills our body with new [...]
When you know you don’t need anything else, you have proof that there you’re in peace! These moments do not fall from the sky, even if sometimes it seems. I still believe that only [...]
There are days that deserve the same to be celebrated. In fact, we should have this ability, even when we are not very motivated, and with a feeling that carries within a cloud of complaining [...]
I had not come to this land for almost a decade. And this return is even more special because I made the trip only with Concha! It was a car trip that took me to my childhood memories, where I [...]
Open wound that is so often hidden by clothing, strategies and masks not to show what we define internally as our deepest weaknesses! And that for some reason (s) we have learned with shame to [...]