
Consistency is perhaps the biggest lesson I received from my teacher, Sharath-ji. Consistency is a fundamental aspect for those who practice Yoga. And my teacher knew how to pass it on to all his [...]

What we control…

Our capacity for self-control is essential for Yoga, because Yoga is Chitta Vritti Nirodha,  that is, the control of the fluctuations of the mind.   In the tradition of my teachers, to be [...]

Sankalpa – 2025

In Yoga there is a concept called SANKALPA, which means vote, internal resolution, intention, determination. It is the determination to carry out a practice. Sankalpa involves setting a realistic [...]


Even though it’s Christmas time, I don’t love the month of December. It’s just that the same thing happens every year, we start the season in September and the students come [...]

What is Yoga?

Yoga has method, techniques and rules. Yoga requires progressive learning and discipline full of dedication. Yoga has ethics, with principles capable of transforming our lives. Yoga has a long [...]

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