
Consistency is perhaps the biggest lesson I received from my teacher, Sharath-ji.

Consistency is a fundamental aspect for those who practice Yoga. And my teacher knew how to pass it on to all his students, he did it by example, that is, by his actions. A great example of how he shared this lesson was when the school season started, for a long time it was from October to March, and then from June to August, and there wasn’t a day he missed, just a few rare exceptions. He taught 6 days of a long week, and helped hundreds of practitioners find their own strength, focus and consistency. Before teaching, he practiced, which forced him to have a very demanding routine, which only a true master can maintain for so long.

During the old Shala, still in Gokulam, I usually entered class at 6.30am, and he had been teaching since 4.30am. I finished practicing at 8.30am, and he continued teaching, and the next day he was there again at the same time! The class was long, there were hundreds of practitioners, we entered, practiced, left, and he remained present until the last student, until the last day of the season. In fact, it is very similar to what you see at Ashtanga Cascais, the teachers are in the classroom day after day, dedicated so that each of the students, also from Shala Online, can find their internal strength, focus and consistency. There are rare phases that our Shala is closed, or that teachers are not present, with the exception of some family obligation, health, or study break.

Consistency makes us solid people, with structure, firmness, stability and coherence. Consistency puts intention and attention into our actions, we act with consideration, honesty and kindness. And these characteristics are worked on in practice, and are also the benefit of the practice itself.

Consistency is an important foundation for a spiritual practice such as Yoga. And know that  even if we lose our way, go through difficult times, of discouragement, fear, confusion or doubt, we can always get back to it, exactly as we are. Because consistency is nurtured in the now, in what we decide to do and not to do.

The consistent is the one that has consistency, that presents firmness, stability, solidity, credibility and coherence. Consistency creates transformation.


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