Sankalpa – 2025

In Yoga there is a concept called SANKALPA, which means vote, internal resolution, intention, determination. It is the determination to carry out a practice.

Sankalpa involves setting a realistic goal, and creating a short, direct phrase that evokes that intention.
You must first undertake a rigorous analysis of the steps you need to make this objective into practice; be aware of the difficulties and challenges and how you can overcome each of them; remain flexible if any adjustments are necessary; and take decisions and actions that support your Sankalpa.

Sankalpa within Yoga happens in the rest phase, where you create a positive, short phrase, conjugated in the present tense, that refers to what you want for yourself. I am Healthy. I am Confident. I am Calm. Or other phrases, and examples that present what you genuinely want for yourself.

For the exercise to have a real impact, choose a quiet place in your home, lie on your back on the floor, cover yourself with a blanket to stay comfortable and warm, spread your feet to the sides, stretch your arms along the body, close your eyes.

Bring your attention to your breathing, mentally follow the air going in and out of your nostrils, letting your body relax. And  even if there are sounds around you or movements, try not to distract your attention, remaining present in your breathing and the sensations of rest. And without disturbing the relaxation of your body and mind, reflect without judgment on your year, on its highs and lows. Then ask yourself, what do you consider to be the most important at this moment in your life? Health? Peace? Love? Work? Etc. Ask again, and listen to your own answers. Breathe.

Are the answers still the same? Health, peace, etc? And what do you feel when you say what is really fundamental in your life now? Observe neutrally, breathe.When you feel prepared, make the first response that you mentioned in your affirmation your intention, your internal resolution, that is, according to the example I left above, for me it would be, Health, so I affirm internally, I am Healthy . Carefully create your own resolution, a short, simple, positive sentence, conjugated in the present tense. Affirm it internally.Repeat this phrase a few times, take your time, feel what you say. And take advantage of these repetitions, to delve deeper into what you are saying.

Then stop repeating the phrase, and remain silent, present in the sensations awakened.
And when you want, open your eyes, finishing the exercise.

Over the next few days, do this exercise, take 10 minutes to do it calmly, maybe at the end you can write about what you felt, perhaps define more clearly what you need to make this resolution a reality, write down what difficulties or obstacles may arise in your path and how you can overcome them.

It also helps to internally affirm your internal resolution during the day, to stay motivated to take the realistic steps that make your Sankalpa a real path of transformation.

Happy New Year!


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