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Past Retreats

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  • Was it worth the effort to come from Berlin to an Ashtanga Yoga retreat with Vera for a weekend in Portugal? Yes, and how worth it was!!! It was my first yoga retreat and I was not sure how it was going to be. And I came home feeling like I was on vacation for two weeks: rested and inspired. Vera talks about ashtanga in a very empathic, practical way accessible to beginners of yoga like me. And above all she conveys a joy and a lot of energy about what she and her husband Jo love: yoga and surfing.

    Caroline F.
  • A weekend surrounded by fantastic people, in a wonderful place. It was a pleasure to learn from Vera and to assimilate her positive and calm energy. We practiced a lot, walked, surfed, laughed and shared experiences. I come with my soul full of good things and with a calm body. An experience to be repeated.

    Maria S.
  • The workshop was really amazing. I would definitely attend again. There were great insights as direct practical inputs during the lessons and also good background info about ashtanga during the talk. The open discussion-based format was also very nice. Vera is really inspiring as teacher and person.

    Christian V.
  • Vera is a very energetic and enthusiastic teacher. I truly enjoyed  the time spent practicing, improving and learning from her.

    Maren P.
  • Attending Vera´s Workshoo was very inspiring. In class she is very attentive and kind with all students, working individually their weaknesses and strengths. But what i will keep from her is her warm heart and her energy, capable to motivate everyone.

    Irantzu R.
  • It is the third time I have participated in this Retreat, and there is always something new to discover and that inspire me. What I like most about the retreats are the moments of the "talks," where it is possible to have a deeper exchange on everything that involves yoga. For me the Retreats are always a stimulus to follow this path with dedication and consistency.

    Filipa B.
  • The three days we spent in the Matinha Estate were undoubtedly to stop, feel and breathe. The space is very cozy and magical and Vera is an inspiration for the passionate way she teaches and talks about ashtanga practice. In addition to yoga, great food and various activities, I had the opportunity to meet very special people. I really want to repeat the experience.

    Vera P.
  • I believe that the book "stop, feel, breathe" did not come to me by chance. I had never done yoga, I did not know what ashtanga was, but everything I read and what I saw inspired me. On the day that i finished read it, I signed up for the retreat. There were 3 days of absolute discovery, learning, sharing and overcoming ... On the mat and in the water !!

    Ana C.
  • The retreat of the Ashtanga Cascais is a great way to start the Ashtanga Yoga practice, and also learn to breathe and relax ... unfortunately today we forget how to do it! It's great to see Vera's dedication and see her ability to identify what each student needs, inspiring us to be more patient, more focused, more aware.

    Liliana C.
  • We wanted to spend time together as a couple, to do something that we know we need and like: yoga and surf! We came with the experience of a very well spent time, in a beautiful space, with an environment that gives taste to breathe and enjoy, great people with whom we identified, an excellent organization that made us enjoy very well these two and a half days! We said good-bye with will of coming back a next time!

    Paulo V.