May this be a special Christmas for everyone! And may you celebrate it with your families, friends and close friends in an atmosphere of love, friendship and peace. May the whole world, even those who do not celebrate this date, be inundated with this spirit that surpasses consumerism, but which is synonymous of compassion and respect.
The Ashtanga Cascais offers what for us are the best gifts, because they bring us in contact with ourselves, and we will help us to be better people! If you are in turmoil with the doubts of not knowing what to offer to one of your family members or friends, but you really want to offer something special and that is not just another thing bought for purchase, check out our options for the beginning of 2018!
Our INSPIRING MORNINGS on January 20th, it is a morning of pure inspiration to take better care of ourselves! That will join a team of professionals who will share what they believe can help us create a daily life of greater connection, health and well-being.
This morning begins with a practice of Ashtanga Yoga, open to complete beginners to Yoga and more experienced practitioners, with the teacher VERA SIMÕES, followed by a healthy, nutritious and vibrant breakfast, made by Sandra Mesquita from IN AND YOUNG, and then a lecture full of practical content on “How to put happiness in your agenda” with the homeopath and personal development specialist, RITA SAMBADO, and a showcooking and lecture on “Healthy and conscious food”, again with Sandra Mesquita , from IN AND YOUNG. And finally, a super cool bazaar brand with the brand of Filipa Brito e Abreu, the CARAVANA BAZAAR.
More information at www.ashtangacascais.com and info@ashtangacascais.com