For many people, this quarantine phase led them to practice Yoga for the first time at home.
Until then, their practices were within the context of classes held at a Yoga school, or in a gym. And if some share that the experience has been going well, thanks to the enormous help of online classes, there are other people who, despite having the support of a teacher who appears on the monitor, the fact that they are at home seems to end up removing the will to practice.
Whether you are taking online liver classes or with recordings, but also if you chosen to practice alone, it is important to take into account some aspects that can offer greater inspiration when it comes to go on your mat at home.
- Choose the time of day for your Yoga practice. You will certainly find several options for online classes to attend, because this is an important time to show your support to the school and the teacher with whom you learn. However, there are no perfect hours, and your choice will have to be realistic and in line with your daily life. If you do not have the opportunity to attend online class schedules, you can use the recording of the classes, and decide to practice at a time of the day that you can consistently maintain. The secret is this, practice regularly!
- It should be remembered that it is not advisable to eat 2 hours, or to drink 30 minutes before class. It is not very pleasant to practice Yoga with a full belly. With the exception of pregnant women and some people who always need to eat before physical activity, see if you can organize your meals with enough time to digest, and only then get on the mat.
- If you chose early morning to practice, try not to wake up right on the class time. Create a small routine that helps to calmly awaken your body and mind. For some people getting up an hour before practicing Yoga is essential so that afterwards they find the necessary motivation to practice. Try starting the day with your hygiene, followed by your moment of meditation, or reading a few pages of a good book, or your journaling, among other ways to wake up calmly and prepare for your Yoga.
- Those who can only practice at a defined time, without the possibility of scheduling a specific time for practice, see if some of the options above work to calm the mind and to find the internal connection, so that it is easier and more pleasant to go, alone, to your mat.
But what about the space in the house, where should you practice?
- Choose a room that is clean and tidy. If you have a tendency to leave the house in chaos, all scattered, with cleaning for several days to do, use the routine of your Yoga practice to gain greater discipline in the organization and maintenance of your home. As you know, our energy is influenced in many ways, by our thoughts, our emotions, the people we live with, what we do, eat, etc., but one of them is also where we are. Our house must be treated with affection, care and attention, an extension of ourselves, because no doubt that if the place where you put your Yoga mat is clean and organized, it will have an influence on the state of your mind.
- If you have the opportunity to create a small altar to place some photos, they can be yours, the people who inspire you, or your family members. Also add some objects that mean peace, harmony, well-being for you, and you can also light a candle. There are people who put crystals, who light incense, among other examples, it will depend on what makes sense to you, but creating a space with some objects that have a special meaning of good energy will help to foster a more calm and harmonious external environment.
- It is important to manage who shares your home, that the time of your Yoga practice is for you. Obviously if you have young children and without the support of another adult, the likelihood is very high that you will have to share the time and space of your practice. But even so it is possible to maintain your Yoga, you will need to be creative and experiment different ways of checking what works with your children so that you can effectively enjoy a calm practice! Those who have older children, a good conversation will suffice, maybe there will be some little spies during your practice, and you will have great possibilities to see yourself with the task of being your children’s Yoga teacher. It is pertinent to emphasize that fathers and mothers should not feel guilty for dedicating a few hours of your day to the practice of Yoga, only happy people can really share their best version. This also applies to all people who do not have children but who tend to blame themselves and judge themselves when they spend time with to take care of themselves.
Other key points to develop a practice at home –
- Don’t be a perfectionist. There will be no ideal time, immaculate conditions, or a perfect home to practice. The only thing you can do is by trial and error, only by entering a process of finding a consistent Yoga practice routine is that you will really understand what works for you.
- Count on easy days and more complicated ones. Days with greater motivation and others that all you don’t feel like that you want to go on the mat. But it is in the consistency of trying, that you will learn that you can practice at home.

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