When I was finally healing a heart that had been searching for a long time outside what was always inside, I found everyday this man on the street. Turning around a corner, out of the pharmacy, passing my house door, at the roundabout in the car, and so many other examples, but the funny thing is that he never saw me!
Either he had already turned his head the other way, or left earlier the pharmacy , among so many other episodes, to the point where one day I whistled to him! I ran away right away, after realizing that he had heard and was going to turn back! What the women do when they fall in love without realizing it!
But there are stories that only start later, and it seems that when I failed to see him by chance, it was that he combined with destiny to come into my life, to still be here today.
The future we do not know, isn´t it? But it is so good to call him my great love!

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