My home is not this floor, nor the walls, the windows and the ceiling.

My home is this body.

This body that works magnificently day and night for me to live in health. Thank you my dear body for being so incredible, despite so many times I neglect you and tire you out.

I’m sorry every time that I was abusive, that I demanded too much, that I judged and vehemently criticized. I’m sorry every time I forgot about you, and I chose to ignore you and not listen to you.

Forgive me deeply when I chose to feed fear, insecurity, and I completely deviated from the commitment and responsibility towards you.

I am deeply grateful for everything you do for me, and for loving me so much. Thank you body for everything you do internally so that I can easily perform (and often wrongly lived as taken for granted) so many tasks.

Thank you body for being my home. Thank you for being with me in this life.


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