Have you ever found a picture, on your cell phone, on the album at home, in a lost box in the attic, in the garage of your parents ‘or your cousins’ house, and suddenly time and space cease to have any kind of barriers, and you can feel that you are there again at that very moment? And you realize that you are doing a good exercise, of those where you live love and gratitude, and that you recognize that you are at peace.
It’s been a few years, and as I look at this photograph, I inevitably remember all the trips I’ve made to that side of the World. And you know what? It’s just that it was not always light and easy to travel, and it was not a typical holiday season. Because many times I arrived in India with the feeling of being lost inside myself, I was a girl of 22 years, then 24, 25, 26, 27 and so on, and although I practiced Yoga daily, I felt I was exhausted after another year of work, teaching classes from Monday to Friday, morning and afternoon, some holidays and weekends!
I was tired internally of struggling for a difficult dream of being a Yoga teacher and having a traditional Ashtanga school in Cascais. So weak emotionally because I still did not know the art of protecting myself from teaching, and of not knowing how to keep energy for myself, but also, and above all, by still searching out, what has always existed inside. And yet all this was part of a process of age and maturity, in life, and also in the deepening of practice and teaching.
At that time I asked the Universe, protection and blessing to grow in life and depth as a practitioner, to learn to better share the teaching, but also to find a great love and have children. I always wanted to be a mother, to have a big family, to live a great love with the man of my life, to have the house with the fence, in a place farther from the city, where there was sea around, surf without fear, and a whole pair of dreams of those who were still in their 20s!
After more than a decade, I smile for this photo, for these girls, coming from different cultures and realities, and perhaps with similar dreams.
I look at the photo, and I do not know how was the life of the girl in the back, if she could actually study, and practice the profession of her dreams, married for love, if she already has children, if she still lives in Lakshmipuram, in Mysore, India? And then I look at the image of myself, and smile at that girl, who in the midst of her many limitations, mostly all imposed by herself, there she was motivated to continue working for her dreams. I embrace that girl who is me back there, in my past, I hug her strong, and I tell her in her ear, that I love her. I cry with her, tears of joy, of gratitude, of pride in her path. We smile at each other because we recognize ourselves in the traits that make us who we are, and there are things that do not change, there are things that are ours, and perhaps forever and ever, and yet there are those that we change with conscience, inspiration, dedication, unlimited will to grow with our best version. And with great consistency and in knowing what we want for ourselves, we bid farewell to our past, and we return to the present with even more conviction!