If there’s one thing that inspires me, it’s surfing and watching Jo surf!

Whenever we’re both in the water, I notice his face and eyes when he catches a wave, or when it’s over, and then he paddles out again, because he brings the most beautiful expression in the world, one of deep joy and gratitude. He carry within himself a heart aligned with his purpose. Maybe that’s what inspires me, the light on the face of those who do what they love.

Sometimes when I get lost in my day-to-day teaching and school responsibilities, I ask him to go surfing together, and I delight in my waves, and his, and I feel myself recovering the same look of joy and gratitude. Inside, I feel my heart pounding for contentment, positivity and renewal.

Yes, if there’s one thing that inspires me, it’s surfing, and watching Jo surf!

Photo – Batata


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