It is with gratitude that I look at my daily life, which today continues to let me be with each one of them, even if now, it is behind the screen.
This virus and this confinement, forced me to teach in a completely new format, through my computer, in an Online World that I am completely unaware of. I have been trying for weeks to detach myself from face-to-face classes, and from how much I like a house full of mats close to each other, listening to students’ breathing, noticing their body’s reactions to each movement and posture, feeling the group energy.
I’ve been working on detachment, flexibility, acceptance, positivity, and faith for weeks. And every day I open my computer and learn from them, the people from this home, from Ashtanga Cascais, who generously decided to continue as students despite the teaching being done by online.
Every day I finish classes with the feeling of running a marathon, I feel exhausted, a tiredness different from other times. But every day I thank you inside.
I cannot touch or hear their breathing, but I feel that I teach more and more with my heart, and in a language that goes beyond the limits of physical distance, and that allows us to be together even if far away.
Today, after these 13 years of Ashtanga Cascais, I am a more grateful woman, and thankful to all these people who are students of this house, for the enormous opportunity to allow me to continue working on this dream of mine, which is to teach this practice to the maximum number of people I can. Today I am even more grateful to this Yoga practice, which undoubtedly offers me my best, a ritual of growth, strengthening and overcoming.