A restart time

Many months ago I started planning this trip!

After talking with my husband and some of my direct teachers, and realizing that certain destinations were impossible because they involved many days of travel, and that I would be really far from home, I felt it would be best to return to the land of my heart and to be with a teacher who was with me during my daughter pregnancy.

Sharmila Desai is one of the teachers I most admire, because besides being a simple woman, tender and incredibly generous, she was also the person who advised me best during pregnancy. We met personally when she was at Ashtanga Cascais teaching her first Intensive Workshop in Portugal, I was pregnant with Concha, and her adjustments stayed in my body practically until the day of delivery, and her sweet voice in my mind and heart as inspiration of courage and faith. She was also the teacher with whom I exchanged many messages after Concha was born, and her answers were always of great wisdom and balance.

She opened the Ashtanga Yoga Morjim in Goa, India, just over a year ago, and started with only a few practitioners, to be teaching now, alone, so many students! It has been a true inspiration to be able to observe every morning the way she work, and it is a privilege to be part of her students’ group.



When we are waiting for her to call our name to enter the room, (and yes, she knows the names of all these people) we observe a class that inspires calm, composed by people breathing through the nose producing a low sound , stable and continuous, the true foundation to the execution, with simplicity and focus, of the movements and postures. Sharmila is helping student to student, speaks quietly with each one, arranges the places in the room without haste, and the time happens without noticing it, because there is really a connection to what we are doing at the moment.

It was not easy deciding to come this trip, because that choice brought some anxiety, fear and even insecurity. But sometimes it is necessary to recognize that it is time to stop, so that the break in the established routine, allow us to take time to restart what was somehow blocked. And alone, with family or friends, look for a place that inspires simplicity, connection, and balance. We will also encounter challenges, and not everything will be perfect or idyllic, because we will probably be forced to leave within the comfort and easy, above all from what we already know! But the exchange of this daring act is to have the privilege of being with people who inspire us, and to live days to gather moments that are blessed stops, that offer that  time to restart taking care of our health, well-being and joy.


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