It is already on December 8, next Saturday, that I receive a very special group of people here at our home!

I will present my book STOP. FEEL. BREATHE, and share important information for a lifestyle of greater connection and wellness, with tips on breathing, and many others to teach how to put the body in the most varied postures and movements in an Ashtanga Yoga class, to detoxify, nourish and soothe.

It was all thought and organized so that my guests, who will be a wonderful group of women, some who already practice Yoga, and others who have never done so, can enjoy a morning focused on learning tools that intend to awaken the connection and integration of the body and mind.

To make this morning even more special, I have the privilege of working with the best partners, LOCAL – YOUR HEALTHY KITCHEN (www.localkitchen.pt), ISWARI (www.iswari.com), RITUALS (www.rituals.com) & LEYA ( www.leya.com).


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